How to Add Second HDD to Samba Ubuntu
At this time I will share how to Add Second HDD (Harddrive) to Samba, after your plug your HDD to PC.
1. Create directory for mounting HDD, i create on folder media and create folder MM002 for mounting HDD
3. make your hdd to be ext4 linux system with command
4. Cek your HDD UUID, and edit fstab with nano or your text editor, i use sublime text editor
5. Add new line for your HDD new mounting
6. remounting your HDD and cek
7. You can double check in disk tool -> klik HHD -> klik gear icon.
8. Now we add HDD name to samba config
9. restart samba and restart ubuntu
10. done you can access new HDD with samba
1. Create directory for mounting HDD, i create on folder media and create folder MM002 for mounting HDD
$ cd to /media/{username}
$ sudo mkdir MM002
$ sudo chmod 777 MM002
$ sudo chown nobody:nogroup MM002
2. Cek your HDD with command $ sudo fdisk -l
3. make your hdd to be ext4 linux system with command
$ sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda
4. Cek your HDD UUID, and edit fstab with nano or your text editor, i use sublime text editor
$ sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda$ sudo nano /etc/fstab or $ sudo subl /etc/fstab
5. Add new line for your HDD new mounting
6. remounting your HDD and cek
$ sudo mount -a
$ df -h
7. You can double check in disk tool -> klik HHD -> klik gear icon.
8. Now we add HDD name to samba config
$ sudo subl /etc/samba/smb.conf
9. restart samba and restart ubuntu
$ sudo subl /etc/samba/smb.conf
10. done you can access new HDD with samba
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